Show Up; Sparkle & Be Heard at Work
Time for Promotions. Recognition. Rewards.
5, 6, 7 October | London 2017
Experience a unique 3-Day Live Event designed with You in mind, by someone just like You. Me.
NOW is the time to show yourself – and everyone else – how truly valuable YOU are and how much you have to offer – and then to learn how to be recognised and handsomely – and fairly – rewarded for it with more income and opportunity.

- Are you an experienced, ambitious career woman or corporate executive who knows it’s time to show up, to present and express your best, most valuable self AND to add some of your true personality and ‘sparkle’ as you do?
- Are you sick and tired of hiding out at work, often feeling ‘on mute’, under-estimated or invisible – as if your personal spark has been dumbed-down or bent into a shape which just doesn’t suit or serve you?
- Do you find yourself hesitating and questioning yourself as you speak a language which isn’t truly yours wondering if you’ve got enough ‘Gravitas’ (whatever that’s really supposed to be?)
- Do you feel you somehow have to ‘sell your soul’ to get ahead?
- How often do you watch those around you with less experience, less credibility and a LOUDER voice be given the opportunities and career acceleration you know you deserve and are really ready for?
- You have absolutely no idea how to describe what you do so you don’t sound ‘blah’ or boring and to describe it in a way which reflects your passion, spirit and commitment to your work, your skills and your experience?
- Do you sometimes feel lonely as you try to work out your next moves by yourself, knowing sometimes your boss, colleagues and friends don’t always either understand – or necessarily have your best interests in mind?
Regardless of whether you’ve reached a level of success you feel ‘happy enough’ with or whether you know you’ve been underplaying and underselling yourself, you’re probably fed up with struggling to be heard and are looking for an easier, more natural and less ‘shouty’ or ‘show-offy’ way to accelerate in your career and feel satisfied – without feeling you have to sell your soul.
You’re just not sure how to go about it. Yet!
In just 3 Days, you’ll be ready to:
- Understand how to be comfortable as you talk about money, value, income and your services or contribution (without hesitating, fretting or questioning yourself)
- Use language which connects as you interact and understand the intricate layers within business conversations (and cut out the ‘blah’ Corporate way you used to express yourself)
- Be comfortably seen as the valuable, sparkly and Uniquely-You version of yourself (not the one you’ve been hiding out as or pretending to be)
- Feel confident about yourself and what you contribute at work so you put yourself forward for opportunities, naturally
- Claim your place, rewards and space in the bigger picture of your organisation or industry because you trust yourself and understand what you have to offer
- Understand about learned behaviours and let go of so much which has held you back and put your foot down for what you want, now.
- Let go of perfection and accept who and how you are so you stand strong, firm and clear in your value (and STOP apologising or focussing on what you don’t know and can’t do but, instead, focus on all that you DO know and CAN do)
- Talk about what you do in a way which makes people sit up and listen to you AND understand how to ask and expect to be rewarded for your contribution, experience and abilities
Let me walk you step by considered, strategic step, through how to:

Be visible, to arrive, to be seen, to be noticed

Shine brightly with flashes of light, be lively, animated, full of life and personal energy

To be listened or paid attention to, to be acknowledged and recognised

It’s not about loading you up with sequins and smartypants ‘Corporate’ phrases to churn out. Crikey – NO.
You see, what I share and how I share it is all far more subtle, more intentional, more carefully-crafted than that. What I’ll share with you will become yours. Not some ‘corporate gobbledegook’ version of yourself. It’s bespoke.
It’s about You and For You.
I’ll wake you up (and maybe shake you up a little) and introduce you to – Yourself. That’s truly my intention.
Give yourself permission to show how valuable, ready and truly skilled you are, comfortably and with certainty. When you do, all it takes is to say one word. One word to say “Yes” to yourself. “Yes” and then the decision to shake things up and make strategic, considered moves starts to change things for you – for good. AND, politically and energetically, now has never been a better time to be a career woman assertively and confidently stepping forward in her career.
In 2010, I knew I was hiding out as a smaller, duller version of myself. Then came a dramatic, overnight turning point. Everything changed in that moment. Earning Power. Self-Confidence. Possibilities. All changed for the better.
Let me share with you, LIVE in London, exactly what happened, what I learned and how you can accelerate your success understanding these lessons.
Then let me show you how and why it’s time for you to stop feeling like you’re hiding out or under-estimating yourself and get your backbone in place and stand firm in YOUR space. Naturally.

Imagine if you really, truly sparkled?
How much would you make it mean?
What would it make you worth to others?
Let me tell you a bit about myself, and why I know I’m qualified to help you in this area. I’ve been there, you see.
I’m Kay White, Author of the #1 best-selling book, “The A to Z of Being Understood” and Founder of the multiple 6-figure coaching and mentoring business Way Forward Solutions Ltd.
Since 2006, I’ve mentored and supported professional career women, just like you, teaching and supporting them and laying out the steps to find out and own – and comfortably express – the value of what they do. No matter what industry, level of seniority, qualifications or experience. I work with CEOs and Executives within the C-Suite as well as new and middle Managers and also their Executive PAs.
That’s the beauty of the process we’ll go through together. It’s more about You and who and how you are, than it is about the level you’re working it.
I’m a featured expert in GLAMOUR Magazine’s article “The Nice Girl’s Guide to Playing Hardball” and work with private clients and business owners as well as groups of women executives in major international organisations.
So how do I know all this? Well, for more than 25 years, I forged my own London-based corporate career. I worked my way from being an enthusiastic Secretary at 18 all the way up to Director level in one of the top global insurance broking houses. The essence of my work was always about how to build, manage and leverage relationships quickly, while presenting complicated and legally-binding information on multi-million dollar business accounts. I travelled the world, learned and negotiated business in French, lived and worked in Paris – and tried to balance all that with having a personal life I could show up in and enjoy, without falling asleep. I’m sure you can relate!
What I know for sure is that I learned how to – AND HOW NOT TO – say what has to be said to get what you want. I learned to be honest, assertive, objective and how to encourage people to say “Yes” to me because they want to. I also learned when to say “No” and “Enough”. In 2002 I resigned with no job to go to but with the certainty I would find a better way to use my experience, skills, personality and, let’s say, pzazz, without losing my personality and sparkle. I took a chance on myself. (I had only 6 months to work out ‘what now?’ but I did. You can too.)
What I’ve found is that as women, we hold back so much, hesitate, doubt, apologise instead of owning the value of our skills, contribution and experience. We sometimes think you can just ‘splurge’ forth and get exactly what you want with one quickly thrown together request or demand – either verbally or in an email. Well, I know you just can’t. It takes planning, strategy and consideration – before you make your move. Whatever your move is.
You need to consider and plan what you’ll say, when and how you’ll express it. Also – how it will land! Not for you, but for the other person or people. It’s easy to miss this piece.
Let me really show you exactly how other people’s perceptions of you become their reality of you. You’ll see for yourself how it can either really let you down OR how it can make all the difference to how people treat you and to your level of success in all your relationships, especially your business relationships.
I’ve grown my business, doubling my income, year on year, by working with hundreds and hundreds of women, listening to thousands of hours of stories and things which work (and which don’t) to be able to boil it down and bring you my FINAL 3-Day Live Event. I’ve had to put my foot firmly down and take my own leaps of faith – and learn my own tough lessons along the way too.
Ladies – to be successful, to receive the credit and rewards you know we deserve – you must attract and keep attention and – crucially – you must do it with your own personal confidence, style and ease. That’s when You Become Unstoppable.
When would NOW be a better time to do this for yourself? Join me and all the other professional women like you…and this is my FINAL 3-Day Event in this formation. Look, here’s what you’ll receive:
- 3 Full Days working, focussing and sharing together on up levelling how you present and express yourself at work
- One fabulous 4 Star Hotel for us to enjoy and ‘feel worthy’
- International and inspiring Speakers to bring you new insights, inspirations and ideas
- Special Guests and Sparkly surprises PLUS
- Cocktails, ‘Bling’ moments, Lunches and refreshments
- A VIP Dinner, Refreshments and…English Cakes and Treats AND Fun — ALL included for you.
- AND, strategies, stories, ideas, insights and exact steps to follow to naturally accelerate your success AND income at work

How would it feel to be truly valued?
How could you increase your income, dramatically?
What moves would you make if you really trusted yourself?
Pay in Full*
*All UK-based registrations to include 20% VAT at Checkout.
(email who may be able to help you with 2 easy instalments for you if preferable.)
AND as soon as you Register, receive a Bonus recording of a special call I hosted recently: Your Transferrable Skills.
What they are; How to find yours and Why it’s crucial for you to understand how to leverage them as you move roles/organisations/industries.