I hesitated and sat on the fence for a long time. I’m sure you know what that can feel like. I wanted to invite women like you to an Event like this for years. I wanted to go to one myself! I just couldn’t find any other event offering all these ingredients under one roof. Then I realised why. I realised no one else knows it like I do, lives it like I do, in the way that I know it.
It was obvious – I had to finally dare myself and create it for you. So I have. And, I scared myself a lot as I did – but I trusted myself at the same time. More than I’d ever thought I could.
2017 is the FINAL 3-Day Event. It’s time if you’ve been ‘meaning’ to come. I won’t offer this in 2018, if ever again…
Energy; Strategy; Sparkle; Income; Value; Purpose; Openness; Emotion; Spirit; Community; Music; Sharing and YES – FUN!
Women have ‘lightbulb’ moments all the time they’re there. Let me ask you. As an experienced corporate woman, how many events have you been to where you’re really encouraged to be your strong, feminine, smart and truly valuable self? To have these “Show me the money” moments without feeling as if you’re selling your soul? Not many, I’m sure.
Well – in October 2017 YOU can join us and this time, we’re going deeper and even more specific in the areas of Money; Energy; Humour; Building Relationships, Personal Purpose and so much more you’ll never find in a traditional ‘Corporate workshop’.
ShowStopper Moment: When a client came to me in 2013 in such frustration it just hit me – between the ears! Show Up; Sparkle & Be Heard had to be the title of the Event. This brilliant, smart, experienced and undervalued professional woman, told me it had cost her “at least over £50,000 ($75,000) in salary and bonuses” because she couldn’t express to the people who needed to ‘see’, the actual value what she was doing. They didn’t really listen to her or notice and appreciate the value of her skills and experience. In truth, nor did she – she felt invisible.
Not anymore! She quickly negotiated a promotion, increased earnings, bonus AND a received a big confidence boost by being approached for another role and – yes – a 50% pay increase. Abracadabra! She then attracted another opportunity and trusted herself and went for it.
This Event is designed to be like no other you’ll have been invited to in your Corporate career. A subtle, intentional combination of career strategy, income boosting mindsets and approaches, personal sparkle to give you the confidence to show your personality AND all in the spirit of community. Give yourself the gift of a little ‘me’ time and share and learn with and from other women, just like you, in a safe, supportive and trusted environment.
It can be so lonely doing it all by yourself. Planning your next moves, working through what you really want to do and how you contribute.
You don’t have to do it all and decide it all by yourself. We can do it together.
So, now, I’m inviting YOU.
Day One – Thursday 5th October
- Comfortably connect and engage with people. Build profitable relationships one conversation at a time and hear how to jump into discussions with a certainty so people stop and listen to you. Find out how to disconnect and move on – and move the conversation on so things stay on track.
- Join the dots for people so they can – and want to – hear and understand you. First time.
- Confidently Present Yourself and your ideas and input so you’re noticed without ever being a show off. I call it ‘Tooting Your Own Horn, Without Blowing Your Own Trumpet!’ Learn what to say and what to avoid AND how to say it with your own confidence and style so people credit you for your input and skills.
- Understand why it’s so key that you Show Your True Colours and why your own personal energy shines brightly when you show up actually wearing your true colours. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes – not only to how you dress but how actually you add tons of value to what you’re presenting and what you’re paid.
- Discover the Secrets to Present Your Information when you show up – on your feet, on the phone, in writing. Hook and keep attention in a way which feels comfortable and congruent for you – and your peers, boss, clients, customers can’t help but listen to you and take notice of what you say. It’s magic!
Show Up & Sparkle Cocktail Party! Join me – plus some surprise celebrity guests – famous for sparkling in their own, special way.
We’ll sip sparkling cocktails together in a special, sparkly private room in the Hotel. Meet and greet each other AND I invite you to ‘Bring Some Bling’. Let’s show up and sparkle together – you can bring something a bit ‘blingy’ to wear or try out if you feel like it. I think you will – I know I will!
Day 1 Bonus Session
Sparkly Cocktail Party
Meet and greet all the other women you’ve met during the day. Use your more confident way to express what you do AND take your place in the Bonus PhotoBooth.
If you feel you want to, have a LinkedIn or Bio picture taken of yourself which you actually love.
What you learn during Day 1 will help you understand how to have a photo taken which reflects who you really are.
Day Two – Friday 6th October
- Understand about Perception and Reality. I always say “How you’re perceived is how you’re received” and this affects your earnings, success potential and personal value … MASSIVELY. I’ll clearly show you how your earning potential dramatically drops OR increases, depending if – or how– you allow yourself to sparkle and really be seen.
- Learn about Your Own, True, Purposeful Sparkle. What is it that only you can do because there is only one, wonderful – you? Discover how to shine a light on this and use the power of this knowing in your career, your business, and your personal life. This is a game-changer. I promise you, you’ll understand why you’re drawn to do what you do, why it’s so valuable and how only you can do it. Only you.
- Become clear about what makes you special. Fine tune how you talk about what you do and how you can change the ‘boring’ way you talk about your work and contribution. Instead use true value-add, attention-keeping language language which sets you apart and ensures people listen to you. Your words simply ‘hook’ them.
- Stop Stopping Yourself! Find out how to push passed what stops you in your tracks and learn how to trust yourself as you listen – more closely – to your intuition and what you already know.
Day 2 Bonus Session
Trust Yourself & Leap
Put on your jeans and, after enjoying a special VIP Dinner together, join me for a Bonus Session in the room with soft lighting, candles. We’ll invite women onto the stage to work on something specific about how to give yourself a salary increase. How to add to your value at work. You can ask questions, share stories and take part in an exercise together.
A Sparkle Circle of Certainty. Intrigued? It’s a bonus for you to enjoy and to give yourself permission to shift some of your roadblocks there and then.
Own your right to be handsomely and fairly rewarded for what you already do – and then naturally ask for and expect more opportunities and £££s.
Day Three – Saturday 7th October
- Let me show you how to Express the Point Without Being too Pointed – or too detailed. Keep to the essence and still give people enough information and value so they hear you. Use models and ways to summarise what needs to be said. Recognise when to give more information and when to just stay silent – and why you must. Understand why.
- Realise why you need to let go of needing to ‘Be Perfect’ to Be Heard. Find out the cost of not showing up and how painful that can be for you – and for those close to you. You owe it to them – as well as yourself – to be seen and heard. What you’ll hear and see will stun you and may – warning – make you a bit emotional. That’s OK – that’s when you know it’s really real for you.
- Use your Personal Energy to Attract and Keep Attention when you decide your next moves. To make 2017 the year you really get yourself heard, you need support. Find out who to ask and why AND how to ask for it, expect it and make it easy for people to hear you as you naturally ask. Your confidence and certainty will shine through for all to see.
- Be Strategic, Savvy, Calm and Smart with what you discover. Understand how to help those around you adjust and accept your new, valuable and sparkly self! As you step into and discover all these ways, words, mindsets, insights and plan what you’ll do with them, other people may try to stop you or find it tricky to take it all on board. We’ll prepare you for smooth ‘re-entry’ and what’s next.
Oh, and while all this is unfolding for you, you’ll also receive:
- Handouts and Takeaway Materials to use and use and use
- Full Copies of Event Slides to remind you and guide you
- An Environment of 4* Luxury, Sparkle and Comfort for you to feel worthy and ready to step up and show up
- Gourmet Lunch included Every Day with surprises and gifts to make you smile
- VIP Buffet Dinner included on Day 2
- Special VIP Cocktail Party included on Day 1 (Dress Code: Show Up & Sparkle) with bio/LinkedIn photo opportunities and easy, comfortable, relaxed networking (oh, and the chance to wear a bit more colour and bling, if you want to)
- Deluxe Coffee and Tea (and traditional English cakes) throughout each day
- Special Event Hotel Room Rate which includes your Breakfast each day AND Complimentary WiFi has been negotiated for you
- Networking and sharing with and by Other Professional Women – just like you and me – committed to supporting and cheering each other on ($$ ££ Priceless)

Day-to-Day Event Timing
Please note these times are subject to change. They’re designed to provide you with a general outline of start and end times to help with your travel arrangements. As we get closer to the event, there could be a few tweaks to the timing but we’ll keep you posted. Refreshment Comfort-Break each morning and afternoon with tea/coffee/cakes included.
Dress code: Smart, comfortable, casual.
Thursday 5th October Day 1 — Show Up
Registration | 8.15am – 9.00am |
Event Sessions | 9.00am – 5.00pm – The Event Will Start On Time! |
Sparkly Cocktail Party (Dress Code: Sparkly) |
5.30pm – 7.00pm |
Friday 6th October Day 2 — Sparkle
Event Sessions | 8.45am – 5.30pm |
Group Dinner | 5.30pm – 6.45pm |
Bonus Evening Session (Dress Code: Casual) |
6.45pm – 8.15pm |
Saturday 7th October Day 3 — Be Heard
Event Sessions | 9.00am – 4:00pm |

I wouldn’t invite you to be anywhere I wouldn’t want to be myself. What you’ll experience is what I’ve wanted to share for ages. Now we can experience it together, with time and space for ourselves.
If not now, when?
When would NOW be a good time for you to Show Up; Sparkle & Be Heard in 2017?
At the beginning of Q4 – now’s the time to do this for Yourself.
Pay in Full*
*All UK-based registrations to include 20% VAT at Checkout.
(email Caroline@kaywhite.com who may be able to help you with 2 easy instalments for you if preferable.)
AND as soon as you Register, receive a Bonus recording of a special call I hosted recently: Your Transferrable Skills.
What they are; How to find yours and Why it’s crucial for you to understand how to leverage them as you move roles/organisations/industries.