A practical, tactical and purposeful place for professional women. Show up and sparkle –
from the inside, out.
Share; Support; Learn and Grow – all while being true to yourself.
Dear Sparkly, Valuable YOU!
Here’s an Invitation for you, one of my valued private mentoring clients. And – it’s been a long time in the thinking and which feels so right for you, right now. Take a look and see what you think. It’s a Private VIP Invitation for you to join a special, purposeful place for community, coaching, spirit and true personal sparkle!
For years I’ve benefitted myself from having a place to come, to ask questions, to share or just to lean in and listen. I’ve built strong relationships, often without meeting the other women for a while! Having experienced a place where I continue the work I’ve already started in my business but from a day-to-day, plugged in and ‘intentional’ place, I knew it was time for me to create such a place for YOU!
The Sparkle Zone is a place for you to do the same. The combination of bringing a group of special women together to share, learn, inspire and support each other over 8 monthly calls (from November 2013 right through to July 2014) on specific pieces of smart, savvy communication tactics and thinking is so inspiring! All this will be blended with your stories, your requests and questions, your sharing to make it a rich and supportive place for you to relax into AND take great value from.
So what is The Sparkle Zone?
Well, in June at my 3-day live event – Show Up; Sparkle & Be Heard LIVE the energy, the life, the light, the emotion and – crucially – the transformational changes which started happening in the room have stayed so strongly with me. I know, you would have loved to have been there too! AND you will be in 2014 – hurray!
Inside The Sparkle Zone you’ll be connected to me as well as to The VIP Golden Circle who work with me as a private mentorship group plus a few other women who knew they wanted to continue being mentored by me after the event! Being included in The Sparkle Zone is a value-added, complimentary bonus for you in addition to our private work together.
You’ll be connected to each other by regular monthly calls (see dates below), by a private Facebook Group where we can share tips, strategies and ‘argh’ or ‘aha’ moments together all from an intentional ‘be your best, most valuable self’ place. You can be as involved as you want to be!
All professional, experienced and ambitious career women, all who know they could be ‘out’ and in their power – much more. All joined together and learning from each other.
Why is it called The Sparkle Zone?
The word ‘Zone’ is important. It’s a ‘designated area’, ‘a connecting, ethereal space’ and when I thought about you being invited to join The Sparkle Zone it just made such sense.
It’s not called The Sparkle Zone for nothing! My intention is clear. For you to add polish, shine, refinement and value to what you’re doing day-to-day and to have a place to try things on for size first. Intentional ‘teaching’ and tips for you, hands-on experience and a safe, confidential, welcoming place where we speak your language! Specifically designed for you to keep stepping into your personal power, all while being true to yourself. It’s SO important to stay true to you. We both know that.
We’ll be there for you and for each other between monthly calls, connected in our Invitation-Only Private Facebook group. The tips, mindsets, words, ideas I’ll bring to you will all layer on to what you’ve already learned from our work together and will be designed for you to use them – straight away – from 13 November right up until July 2014.
It can all feel a bit much or a bit lonely or overwhelming ‘doing the do’ day-to-day and all you need sometimes is a bit of input, some well-placed advice or the sound and lessons of someone else’s story?
The Sparkle Zone is exactly for that. It’s a private place where we’ll come together regularly to dig in to something specific and practical around being seen, heard and rewarded day-to-day and then we’ll hold the space for some live Lean-In coaching. Coaching from me and input and advice from you too. A place for you to invest in yourself and relax, knowing you have a place to go as you continue to reach for your own version of valuable, unique brilliance.
It will truly add a further sparkly layer to our private work together.
How will it work inside The Sparkle Zone?
In The Sparkle Zone it’s up to you to raise your hand for help. You sound the bell, ask questions and as a group, we wholeheartedly hear and answer you. You can just listen in and that’s just great, it’s absolutely up to you.
Each month, the topic we’ll focus on will take up part of our call and then – it’s open house questions, shares or – depending what you want or ask, we’ll take another principle about being a strategic, savvy professional woman and dig in to that. We’ll build and add value as we go, for each other.
What does it include and why now?
I really listened back in June when so many professional women at the Sparkle Live Event said “what else could I do?” with less of a commitment of time and investment but involving group learning, sharing and community. Well ladies, this is it – and for you, a valued private mentoring client, it’s a true BONUS!
This is what I have up my sparkly sleeve for you and you can read more details below:
- 8 Monthly coaching calls (all recorded) with open-lines for sharing and questions
- Connectivity by our private Facebook Group in between calls
- Resources brought to you and shared with you along the way
- Private Bookclub one month – Yes, we’ll read a book together for us to discuss the next month (book included in your enrolment)
The Sparkle Zone is here for ALL of us to stay connected and plugged in, together.
Let me show you a bit more of what’s included and how it will work ‘in the Zone’.
Each month a ‘hot button’ subject from The Power Circles of Success. Occasional interviews with a guest expert to add further value and dimension for you.
Each month, on these calls, at least 30 – 45 minutes will be reserved for Lean-In Live coaching direct from me in the moment and inviting you to contribute.
8 Group Monthly Calls (note these in your diary please!)
Monthly calls 8pm UK / 3pm EST
11 December 2013
8 January 2014
13 February 2014
7 May 2014
11 June 2014
9 July 2014
Keeping us connected, sharing stories, interviews between our community about your story or your lessons, led and guided by me and By Private Invitation Only. The VIP Golden Circle members and a few special women who also attended the live event are already included in The Sparkle Zone.
We already understand our language and intention and we want and welcome your support, experience and community. You’ll automatically become a Founder Member and say “Yes” to a further layer of support for yourself for 2013 and well into 2014.
AND, when you join us in March 2014 at Show Up; Sparkle & Be Heard LIVE, you’ll already know and be connected to many of the women who’ll be there with you!!
Private Facebook Group
A quick and effective way for us to stay on each other’s radar day-to-day. Ask questions, share, laugh, shout and connect in a private, interactive Sparkle Zone space between our 8 monthly calls. I’ll be digging in with you and for you.
It’s OK if you don’t ‘do’ Facebook. We’ll have a couple of email updates during the month to keep you connected. You can choose.
Resource Treasure Chest
You’ll never miss a thing! It’ll all be stored in our Resource Treasure Chest – recordings from the calls, any handouts, links or examples. It will all be there, stored away for you to dig in to whenever. You’ll have the ‘key’ – a private password to unlock our Treasure Chest.
2 VIP Tickets to the 2014 Live Event (already yours!)
(£620 value)
2 tickets, one for you, one for a girlfriend, for ‘Show Up; Sparkle & Be Heard LIVE’ 2014. You already have your own seat and NOW you can invite a girlfriend to join you on 27, 28, 29 March, 2014. The hotel’s booked (The Radisson Blu Heathrow), our sparkly space reserved and being designed by the Event team.
When you join us in The Sparkle Zone and you can work out who you’re going to share it with. (Your tickets are £310 value each and transferable if you can’t make it for a small fee) and if that’s the case, then I’ll make sure you receive the 2014 Event DVD. You won’t miss a thing except of course, the company of the wonderful women like you (and super-smart men) who will join us live in our special, sparkly room of course!
Special Sparkly Surprises!
Opportunities come up, you’ll be the first to hear about them and also help co-create some of them too! Any new resources I discover or create, I’ll share them with you in The Sparkle Zone.
There’s a specially-designed gift waiting to be posted to you once you’re included in The Sparkle Zone and it involves Ava, our Avatar, with her band of precious metal at her core – to remind you of yours.
My intention is simple and true. For you The Sparkle Zone is a Value-Added Bonus to the investment you’ve already made in yourself as we go in to the adventures of 2014, together.
With my warm and sparkly wishes to you,
Ps – Remember – you always reap what you sow! As you show up and sparkle for us in The Sparkle Zone, I promise, I will always do the same… Your question, comment, insight may be just exactly what someone else needs to hear that day.